Company carbon footprint
A company's carbon footprint is measured using three emission categories: Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3. Each of these categories has a different impact on the company's overall carbon footprint.
Podelitev priznanj inovacijam v osrednjeslovenski regiji za leto 2024
The Linking map team, with its digital innovation in tourism - EXPAR, was present in the company of top Slovenian companies that care about the development of our economy with their talents and innovative ideas.
LCA analiza in zakaj je pomembna pri zelenem prehodu podjetij?
✨ LCA analysis is key to identifying business risks, promotes innovation 💡 and sustainable ⛓️ product development, and makes it easier to obtain European funds, says Žiga Čož, project manager and sustainability consultant at Linking map.
Linking map na DSE 2023
✨V četrtek, 31.8.2023 je kot vsako leto na GZS potekal Dan slovenske elektroindustrije, letos v znamenju inovativnosti panoge 💡.
Kot partner dogodka in razstavljalec na dogodku smo se prvič predstavili tudi z ekipo Linking map.
Z našimi strokovnjaki za zeleni prehod smo predstavili hitro in učinkovito izdelavo LCA analiz po standardih ISO 14040 in 14044, ter vso ostalo podporo podjetjem pri trajnostnemu upravljanju
With LCA analysis to sustainable decision-making
The new website is intended for companies that need LCA solutions for managing the life cycle of products or services.