Strokovno in izvedbeno vam svetujemo na področju LCA analiz, izdelave Trajnostne Strategije, pridobivanja EU sredstev in Trajnostnega poročanja.
LCA analiza, ali analiza življenjskega cikla, je metodologija za celovito ocenjevanje okoljskih vplivov v vseh fazah življenjskega cikla izdelka, procesa ali storitve. Je učinkovito orodje ESG standardov, ki od podjetij zahtevajo vključitev trajnostnih vidikov v poslovno strategijo. LCA analiza je ključna za prepoznavanje poslovnih tveganj, omogoča lažje pridobivanje evropskih sredstev, ter spodbuja inovacije in trajnostni razvoj izdelkov. Postavite svoje izdelke pred izdelke konkurentov in se pridružite vodilnim v industriji pri vključevanju trajnosti v svoje poslovanje.
Zakaj je LCA analiza pomembna za podjetja ?
- Improving the environmental performance of your products and services at different stages of their life cycle.
- Za lažje pridobivanje evropskih sredstev.
- To obtain better financing conditions from banks.
- For transparent communication with all stakeholders.
- For informing stakeholders and environmental declaration of products and services.
- For marketing purposes to both business partners and end customers.
LCA as a basis for the implementation of sustainable - circular practices
LCA is one of the tools of Life Cycle Management, with which, on the basis of various information and tools, we lead your company on the path to minimal environmental impacts and, as a result, we pursue the demands of your stakeholders. In an LCA analysis, all steps in the life cycle of a product or service are scrutinized. Raw materials, production, transport, use and recycling, as each of the steps leaves a certain impact on the environment.
A comprehensive approach includes:
- the entire life cycle of the product/product,
- determines the quantities of raw materials and energy products and emissions into the environment (air, water, soil) during the product's lifetime,
- determines the effects of the product/product's contributions to environmental burdens, which are expressed by various indicators: i.e. potential impact on global warming (so-called carbon footprint), impact on toxicity, impact on the use of natural resources/raw materials, impact on water use, impact on acidification and eutrophication, etc.
LCA is based on ISO standards
When creating the LCA analysis, the standards and recommendations listed in:
- ISO 14040:2006,
- ISO 14044:2006,
- ISO 14067:2019 (determination of product carbon footprint),
- ISO 14020, ISO 14021, ISO 14024, ISO 14025 and ISO 14026 (environmental labels and product/product declarations, footprint reporting).
- The LCA analysis is produced using professional numerical modeling software, which includes data collections and specialized databases, as well as impact assessment methods.
LCA and its connection with EPD, LEED tenders
LCA analysis is the basis and is used for:
- EPD – environmental product declarations
- LEED (additional points when obtaining LEED certificates)
- Izračun okoljskih indikatorjev za CSR
- Trajnostno poročanje (obseg 1, 2, 3 emisije toplogrednih plinov)
- Calculation of SBT (range 1, 2, 3 greenhouse gas emissions)
- Public tenders (additional points)
- ESG assessment (extra points)
What is an EPD and why is it important?
The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD®) is an independently verified and registered document. It is used for transparent, comparable and credible communication about the environmental impacts of a product or service. The EPD® is a report, and the Life Cycle Assessment is the basis for it. An EPD® is a so-called Type III Environmental Declaration that complies with the ISO 14025 standard. A Type III Environmental Declaration is created and registered within the "operator program" of a program operator, such as the EPD® International System.
Več informacij na www.
We are pleased to announce the release of a new landing page for LCA analyses. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a valuable tool that allows us to assess the environmental impact of products and processes throughout their entire life cycle. Whether you're a sustainability professional, an engineer, or a concerned consumer, understanding LCA is critical to making informed decisions that promote a greener future.
Skupaj z našo ekipo strokovnjakov smo pripravili ponudbo za izvedbo LCA analize (Analiza življenjskega cikla) in EPD (Okoljske deklaracije produktov) za mala , srednja in velika podjetja.
LCA analysis
LCA analysis
LCA analysis according to ISO 14040, 14044 and other relevant guidelines (EN 15804):
- Objectives and scope of LCA analysis
- Analysis of input data
- Impact analysis
- Interpretation of results
LCA analysis + EPD for selected product
LCA analysis + EPD for selected product
EPD® - environmental declaration of a type III product that complies with the ISO 14025 standard.
- Selection of PCR (Product Category Rules)
- LCA analysis according to ISO 14040, 14044, EN 15804 guidelines
- Production of EPD according to ISO 14025 guidelines
- EPD verification
- Publication and use of EPDs